Customer Experience SaaS Accelerates User Growth By 242%

We assisted a customer feedback SaaS improve their organic traffic and generate leads with a limited budget. Through a targeted approach, we optimized the website’s content and user experience, implemented a content marketing strategy, and achieved remarkable results that included a 1167%+ CVR .

The Results


Website Visitors


Email List Growth


MoM User Sign Ups




A customer feedback SaaS approached us with a challenge. They had a limited budget and wanted to increase demand while generating leads through their content. They were also looking for ways to optimize their user journey and improve their overall online presence.

Our Challenge

Limited budgets are a gift and a curse. We love to think outside the box. That means using ad spend wisely, and being vigilant with your budget.

The Approach

We started with a look at historic data to develop a comprehensive strategy.
Then our team conducted extensive keyword research to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords relevant to the customer success industry. We optimized the website’s content and meta tags with these keywords to improve its visibility in search engine results pages.
To improve the website’s conversion rate, we performed a detailed analysis of the website’s user experience. They identified areas that needed improvement, such as the website’s navigation, call-to-action (CTA) buttons, and overall flow to making it easier sign up.
This flowed into our content strategy implementation. In partnership with the client, we created high-quality, informative content on industry-related topics and distributed it through social media channels and email campaigns.
By pushing out multiple pieces of content across channels, we were able to identify top performers faster. These became our ad creatives that grew our email list and ultimately new sign ups.

Jumpstart your marketing and grow your pipeline.